Alfred University News

IEA Director Miranda Metcalf serves as Keynote Speaker at Rocky Mountain Printmaking Alliance Conference

Miranda Metcalf, Director of Alfred University’s Institute for Electronic Arts, recently served as keynote speaker for the Rocky Mountain Printmaking Alliance Conference hosted at Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA.

The conference included panel discussions addressing the future of collaborative printmaking and inclusivity in print spaces. There were also performance art events such as printmaking themed wrestling. The theme of the conference was "Kismet," and Metcalf’s talk addressed the kismetic intersection of chance, uncontrollable elements, and the creative process.

Metcalf says of the creative process:

"Think of the artist as a navigator on the sea of creativity, setting sail with determination, but also surrendering to the whims of the wind and waves. The resulting artworks are a testament to this delicate dance between human intent and the guiding hand of destiny. We need to dance on our toes to the music of kismet. In every artwork, we see the echoes of countless decisions, moments of inspiration, and the artist's response to the world around them."

Metcalf received her bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the University of Washington and her master’s in art history at the University of Arizona. Her extensive international experiences include her work at Cicada Press, the fine print publishing studio located within The University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.