Alfred University News

The Linklater Teacher Training holds its Designation Workshop at Alfred University

From June 19 to July 2, 2023, The Linklater Voice Teacher Training Committee will hold a workshop to certify a group of new teachers in the Linklater Voice Method on the Alfred University campus.

The Linklater Voice Method is a progression of exercises developed by Kristin Linklater which is laid out in her popular book Freeing the Natural Voice. This renowned technique has been taught since 1965 in actor training programs around the world, such as Yale School of Drama, University of California San Diego, NYU, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, RADA, LAMDA as well as in Germany, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Russia, Finland, Japan, Great Britain, Mexico, Canada, South Korea, and China. Over the years Kristin Linklater has trained over 270 teachers towards Linklater “designation” or certification.

The Linklater Voice progression is practical, imaginative, and organic. It seeks to undo habitual tensions in the body that inhibit expression and awaken new connections to find more vocal freedom, strength and variety. The work has a rich use of imagery to stimulate the imagination and to encourage speaking in a way that feels authentic and clear. Our ten trainees have been studying for several years and are ready for their final workshop.

We are looking for 10 people who would like to participate with us as practice students for our trainees to teach, from June 26 to June 30 for about 4 and 1/2 hours each day for the five mornings. You would be led through two 90-minute classes and then have a short private tutorial with one of the teachers as your mentor. If you are interested, please email Chrissy Ziese at [email protected].