BFA Thesis Exhibit

Hannah Ballinger-Grajeda

Artist Statement

Emerging from shadow, a bulbous life-form tastes this new atmosphere. Hands encompassing; busy seeking, sensing, and uncovering. Throughout time new layers emerge from what came before transforming into a beacon.  
As each part coalesces the energy shifts. A unity materializes that dances with the individuality of the parts. As these objects grow and transform, mystery is exposed and enclosed simultaneously creating an endless adventure. Each finished piece marks a history of this cycle of mystery. An opening and closing to this portal.  
As I build with this material my objects establish a sense of self that I begin to form a relationship with. I am open and curious towards the wonder they express. I listen carefully and respond with consideration and intention. My pieces ask me to be very aware of my body in space. As I challenge the material challenges my ability to find attunement and clarity in my senses. This dialog with the material and the forms that emerge causes a flux in the equilibrium. A transitional recording of interaction that then becomes solidified as an expression of time within relationship.