blue swirly poster with white letters
Mar 13 - Mar 27, All Day
Harder Hall, TSI Harland Snodgrass Gallery
Gallery or Show Opening


Beyond the Limitless on view at the TSI Harland Snodgrass Gallery. On view March 13 - 27

The exhibition primarily showcases the abstract concepts of time and space in a flowing visual manner through the use of artificial intelligence, mathematics, and technology. While the artwork “APEX” incorporate the artist's imagination, the underlying logic is based on the mathematical concept of "vector fields". These concepts are traditionally complex and abstract in the fields of mathematics and physics, but through the use of video technology in artificial intelligence, they are made vivid and lively.

The impact of artificial intelligence technology on artistic creation in the future is immeasurable, other works in the exhibition use artificial intelligence technology to present the artist's imagination, and present it in a visual language that is completely different from traditional video art.